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Download our 2019 Central California Region Overview

The #1 lure of the Central Valley is the low cost of Real Estate. CCVEDC works with a network of Central Valley Economic Developers and Brokers to highlight the region’s available sites and buildings.


In Central California, you can access both State and Local Incentive Programs and business-friendly policies that welcome companies interested in expanding or establishing a business. The Central Valley prides itself on a pro-business commitment, demonstrated by dramatically shorter permitting processes and lower development fees.


Our regional Data shows an array of statistical benefits for business including affordable wage rates, large labor pool, and an ever-growing population. Home affordability and a happy workforce are further benefits of the region.


Site tours can be arranged through CCVEDC by making one call to coordinate for all eight counties. Meetings with Brokers, Local and Regional government agencies are easily arranged.

Fun Facts

 8 counties, 62 cities
 Over 27,000 square miles
 5th and 9th largest cities in California
 Regional population has grown 24% since 2000
 Nation's largest ag and dairy counties
 California's largest oil county
 World's largest:

  • cheese plant
  • ice cream plant
  • nut processors
  • solar and wind projects
  • wineries


Center Yourself in 80% of California's New Growth!